Pathways / Landscaping

Mud Grids Tasmania Beach Access

Solving all your Access Problems

Tasmania has a unique climate with high rainfall, many natural wilderness areas and as an island state, numerous beaches.

Access and pathways over grass or soil can turn from solid to impassable in a heartbeat due to our ever-changeable Tasmanian weather.  

We have seen all manner of vehicles being towed through gateways and people losing footing on slippery mud.  

Mud Grids Tasmania have the solution! Our 100% recycled plastic Mud Grid will protect the soil underneath while providing a stable surface (like roughened concrete) and is rated 60 tons.

Mud Grids create solid, dependable access immediately, whether you lay them on solid ground as a permanent solution or use them in an emergency to stabilise tricky areas - they are the sub-base and base in one.

Where Can I Lay Mud Grids ?

Wherever you have mud that you don’t want! Lay Mud Grids straight down for immediate results. ​

Turn muddy, dangerous gateways into a solid place to pass through.

Give foot traffic a firm and dependable pathway, wherever you need it.

Create access exactly where you need it, for as long as you need it.

Seasonal or permanent - you can reposition your access again and again.

Transport/Helicopter into remote areas for walkways, etc. saving on labour and materials.

​Show off your slabs, fill with gravel, or let the grass grow through - you dictate the aesthetic.

  • Music Festivals/Events

  • Walking tracks

  • Pathways

  • Gardens

  • Driveways

  • Beach Access

  • Eco-Conservation

  • All ability access (wheelchair and pram compatible)